5 potential positive impacts of public-private partnerships

One of the most challenging issues in assessing the impact of public-private partnerships (PPPs) lies in the diversity of modalities. The impact of dimensions of PPPs from diverse countries are set out in the following broad categories:

Vocational education and training (VET) governance

PPPs for skills development can contribute to better system-level governance in VET. Built against the background of the multilevel governance approach to VET, PPPs help to better align VET to market needs creating governance mechanisms that bring effectiveness and efficiency to VET policy making.

Innovation in VET

PPPs for skills development can also contribute to innovation in VET policy and delivery. We rely on OECD’s definition of educational innovation as a change in educational context introduced to improve the operation of education systems, their performance, stakeholder satisfaction or all of these together. Considering this, we can establish innovative forms of collaboration, financial arrangements, governance arrangements, and content.

Accessibility to VET

PPPs for skills development can contribute to ensuring increased access to training opportunities for all. There are two aspects. First, cost-sharing between public and private partners helps to increase the provision of skills. This is particularly important given constraints in the public funding of VET experienced in many countries. Second, certain PPPs also have the potential to enhance social inclusion in VET as they target students who academically excluded.

In fact, a number of PPPs identified within this study helped to increase the reach of VET provision, thanks to complementary private funding, which is one of the key elements defining PPPs.

Quality of VET

PPPs can play a role in shifting VET provision from supply to demand-driven, which can increase the attractiveness and quality of VET. Although VET quality can be understood in different terms, we put an emphasis on PPPs’ contribution to anticipating and developing skills for future needs as well as building bridges between the world of work and training providers.

Youth employment and economic growth

Successful PPPs can eventually contribute to higher employment rates of young people as well as economic growth. Effective collaboration between the public and private sectors can particularly increase the employability of VET school graduates/young job seekers and boost the job placement rate of VET degree holders. When VET is aligned with labour market needs, employers are more willing and able to hire young graduates (even with scarce work experience) as they require less mentoring and training and become productive sooner.

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