
Employability and transition to work

Young graduates and early school leavers face significant challenges in their transition from education and training to the labour market. Not only are they less likely to have gained much work experience, but they are also less experienced in job search methods and often lack interview and presentation skills. When they do find a job they encounter higher rates of turnover than older workers. Without efforts to support and sustain early labour market entry, young people can face long spells of unemployment. Vulnerable groups, such as those with the lowest levels of educational attainment, are particularly at risk. This scenario impacts negatively the individuals concerned as well as the economy and society as a whole, both in the short and long term.

The ETF undertakes regular monitoring of the labour market and employment situation in each of its partner countries and has mapped policies supporting youth transition in a number of these. The results inform EU-led initiatives and programming at national and regional levels and are shared with stakeholders and specialists in the wider human capital development field to support youth employability.

Work-based learning in vocational education is an increasing priority among ETF partner countries, as in the European Union, to improve skills and employability, and enhance economic competitiveness and social inclusion. Work-based learning can be a win-win-win situation providing benefits for learners, employers, and society.

The ETF is supporting employers, social partners, and other relevant stakeholders to increase participation in the governance of vocational education systems to adjust training programmes to meet the requirements of the 21st century labour markets.

Work-based learning programmes are relevant for all levels of vocational education – initial, post-secondary and continuing vocational education. They can be implemented in any sector, from industry to services and agriculture, and are particularly relevant in sectors experiencing rapid structural and technological changes, or where the infrastructure of schools does not allow for proper practical training.

Apprenticeships, as a major type of work-based learning, have an important role in tackling youth unemployment through ‘earning while learning’ contracts. Many partner countries have started to implement pilot projects or structural reforms on apprenticeship/dual education, with ETF support. Assistance is also provided to EU candidate countries through their membership of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, which promotes the quality, supply, image and mobility of apprenticeship and work-based learning. It is a platform for companies, chambers of commerce, practitioners and other social partners to work together with the European Commission and national governments.

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Effectiveness and innovation potential in the area of ALMPs in Jordan
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