
Is money the solution? New publication launched on investments for skills

Brussels, 4 June 2024 – Today, the European Training Foundation (ETF) has announced the launch of its latest publication, Is money the solution? International financial institutions investing in the future of skills, during a high-level event entitled “Skills Investments: Cooperating with International Financial Institutions (IFIs)” held in Brussels. The publication highlights the connection between smart and sustainable investments and skills development, providing strategic insights into how international financial institutions can steer progress in these areas.

Pilvi Torsti, ETF Director, stated: 

This publication sheds light on the global effort to tackle challenges in human capital development, supporting skills development, and achieving results through partnerships and cooperation. It represents a ‘togetherness’ that, for the first time, brings different international financial institutions around the same table to discuss skills development.

Is money the solution? examines the potential of IFIs to combat poverty, promote sustainable development, ensure prosperity, and maintain peace and stability through strategic investments in skills development. The publication offers an overview of policy alignment, priority setting, and collaborative solutions and partnerships worldwide.

Together for investment in the future of skills

The publication features contributions from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) and the Florence School of Transnational Governance of the European University Institute. It emerges from the ETF's extensive collaboration with IFIs, including:

  • European Investment Bank,
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
  • Asian Development Bank,
  • African Development Bank,
  • World Bank,
  • Association of Bilateral European Development Finance Institutions.


The ETF is an EU agency dedicated to improving education, training, and employability in countries outside the EU. The ETF's mission is to support the development of human capital and skills to promote inclusive and sustainable growth.


Daria Santucci, Phone: +39 011 6302260, Email: mediarelations@etf.europa.eu