Is money the solution? International financial institutions investing in the future of skills

International financial institutions operate within investment frameworks that emphasise policy alignment and responsiveness to client needs, prioritising projects that enhance labour market inclusion, address labour shortages, support the reduction of poverty and wage gaps, and increase access to opportunities for learners of any age. 

It is imperative for the sustainability of societies and economies to position skills development as a fundamental component of investment strategies aimed at transformation, inclusion and socio-economic development. The challenge lies in devising an integrated investment approach that brings together financial, economic and human development goals.

This publication seeks to bring together all relevant stakeholders to discuss this issue, encouraging contributions that collectively shape a global investment and priority landscape in the area of skills development. 

As stated by Pilvi Torsti, ETF Director:

This publication sheds light on the global effort to tackle challenges in human capital development – supporting skills development, and achieving results through partnerships and cooperation.

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